Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I've thought about the word "expectation" so much today that it doesn't even seem like a real word to me anymore. I've come to realize that I'm not very good with managing expectations. I expect things from the people in my life and they don't always come through. Other people have expectations on me and I don't always live up to them. This is just a fact of my life.

I like to make the people I love feel special. I do this with words and actions as often as I can. I do it so much that it's become expected of me. For the most part this is ok. However, I've recently come to realize that, although I want to give everyone what they need, I can't always do that without sacrificing something of myself; something I need. I'm slowly learning to say no - maybe one day I'll be able to say no without any guilt, haha.

Here's a shocker: I am not perfect. I have let people down in the past, and I'm sure I will do so again in the future. Maybe I'm even letting someone down right now. All I can say about that is that my intentions are always honest and good and I try to be as forthcoming and fair as is possible. It's so easy to brush things aside or deal with them through texts or e-mails but, if given the option, I would prefer a face-to-face hash out any day.

All this to say I'm trying my best. It's all we can do, right?


Today's Word: Hash
Today's Song: 15 Steps by Radiohead
Today's Food: Croutons

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